Ka whakatōngia he kākano e te hiku ki roto i te taepu o te manawa, ka puāwai ko tēnei tipu e rarau nei. Me taku maringa nui✨
Kia ora rā,
Kura kaupapa kid, graduated high school abroad and came home again for tertiary studies. Am a haki of many trades, master of absolutely none who loves kaupapa that focus on rangatahi, whakamana tāngata, hikinga wairua etc. Passions & hobbies include but are not limited to: anything music (especially live😍); kapahaka (so thankful to be predominantly Māori🤎); arts & crafts of all kinds; spending time with Tangaroa and Tamanuiterā; digital architecture; reading (or learning rather); eating (lots and lots😂); and hanging out/talking with my baby sister (she’s 2, how could I not?)☺️
Currently helping Chloe with EPP 2024 and am super excited to see the fruits of our labour this year! YANZ is amazing and I hope you get to learn that for yourself one day soon too🙌🏽
Mauri ora e te iwi,
Siobhan ✌🏽
Join us in making a difference for rangatahi across Aotearoa ✊
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